Lets Play Ninja Dice!

20150701_144632Okay guys you all know that this is new to me so we are gonna start simple.. simple is good..Right? Right! Good talk.

Okay so Ninja Dice, first off this is a great little game. The game plays 2-5 players and only takes 10 – 30 minutes to play. It also is a fairly inexpensive game, little under 20.00 on amazon. All of this adds to a great and fast paced on the go game. I tend to carry it with me incase boredom strikes 🙂 You know it happens. Plus it comes in a very cute, I wish I was as cute, Ninja box dice bag.20150701_143601

Lets talk game play and rules. The way the game plays is you are a ninja breaking into a house and getting coins. You play this in 3 rounds and the winner is the one with the most coins… don’t worry you can also steal coins from your fellow ninjas. One player rolls the House dice for another player, starting with 4 die and each round increasing till you are playing with all 6 house die. The ninja whose turn it is gets to roll all 5 of the Skill die, these dice will show you what you can do inside the house. Now beware the same time the ninja rolls trying to break into the house the other ninjas aka fellow players also roll dice, Threat Die. These die are what allows you to steal coins from one another, prevent thefts and shortens the amount of time the ninja breaking into the house has.  If the ninja breaking in doesn’t get whats needed to complete the house he can re roll, but that also allows for more action from the other ninjas, or he can Run. Once the house is completed you get coins per die you successfully completed, Plus one if you didn’t use violence.. not as much fun but treasure usually wins out.

  • House die … Guard, Resident, Lock, Double Guard and Double Resident
  • Ninja Die/Skills…Fight, Stealth, Pick, Wild, Fortune and Block.
  • Guard/ Double Guard can be beat by stealth, fight and wild (cause it can be anything.. duh)
  • Resident/Double Resident can be beat with the same dice as Guard.. though for a challenge you can always try to not hurt the residents. This means only able to use stealth and wild on them .This is a house rule we use that makes it slightly more challenging
  • Lock beat by the pick or Wild.. everything is beat by wild 😉
  • Now Fortune is the fun one. Fortune has an arrow on the die and anything in front of it then becomes 4 times what it is. This makes it a lot of fun. More fortunes add together make it not 4 but 8 and so forth.., helps tons for the harder house20150701_144037

When facing multiples of Residents, Guards and or Locks know that you have to use the same skill.. you can’t kill one guard and sneak around another.20150701_143750

Now my gaming group prefers to play this with all five players but i found that two can be just as fun. The downside to this game is the simplicity of it. Some want something less reliant on luck with more strategy. I don’t find this is an issue but forewarned is forearmed.

So please comment and let me know if you have any question or any great stories about your Ninja Dice experience.

If your looking for more info on this game you can find it here.

– WarBird signing off

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