Gamer on a Budget… Best offer.


Caution… Sick Gamer!!!

Have you every been sick but still feel the urge to game??? I call that a dedicated gamer. So here I am, being dedicated. Watch out there may be rambling ahead.

So I don’t know about you guys but me, I have a board game addiction. I want them all… I am the Ash of BoardGames! 

I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To own them is my real test,
To play them is my cause.

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Teaching people to understand
The power that’s inside

Board Game, (gotta own them all) its you and me
I know its my destiny
Board Game, oh, you’re my best friend
In a world we must pretend

Board Game, (gotta own them all) a heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I’ll teach you
(Board- Gam-Me ) Gotta own ’em all

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place

Come with me, the time is right
There’s no better team
Arm in arm we’ll play the games
It’s always been our dream

Board Games!

( If you are unsure of the referencePokemon )

…………Yeah im not even sorry, sometimes sick leads to things like this……….

The Problem with this board game addiction is money. Im sure I’m not alone in the world of those with hobbies that cost more than you can usually justify.

The answer to this???

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Its the eBay option Best offer! …just go ahead and Make an offer! I will admit to having way to much fun on this. Its like my song… I have to battle it out to get my board Game. We are fighting with the power of the HAGGLE!

I have even been know to haggle for a higher price and free shipping. Low ball em even.. all of it. lol Worst thing they can do is not sell it to you. Its fun. Its a game all in its own.

When I’m feeling the financial crunch but still jonesing for a new game, I just do a search with only make offer options. Then its On. Im leashed out to cyber world with a mission to haggle my way to the purchase of a new happily purchased board game.

Where is this option u ask?!….
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Under the advanced options you shall see it… That wonderful advanced option that will make your wallet love you again. Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 10.21.07 AM

The the hunt for the biggest deal begins!

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With Christmas around the corner you never know what may pop up! 

Beware, sometimes its smart to do a bit of research about the game before buying open or used copies. Know if there are pieces missing..I don’t always mind pre owned games. But buyer beware, meeple purchases may be necessary. 

Now if your not the type to enjoy the haggle, its okay there are other options! 


A lot of your larger retail dealers will in fact have a clearance section.. You probably won’t be the first to have the newest and best but you might!

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Give it a try and please share some of your great finds! If you have a hidden gem for great priced games, just shoot me an email!

Thank you all for reading and as always, suggestions and comments are always welcome.

Have a game you want me to show? Let me know.

-WarBird signing off.

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