Count your bad omens with FRIDAY THE 13th


I recently joined Game Box Monthly, a game of the month club and the first game I received was Friday the 13th. Sadly this doesn’t say anything good for the club and I unsubscribed after two months…Don’t worry this bad experience won’t affect my thoughts on this adorable little game that is filled with bad omens and cuteness. You and your friends have to try your best at avoiding Black Cats, Broken Mirrors and Ladders! This game consists of one deck and it’s filled with these, it’s practically impossible to avoid this bad luck… Especially when you have friends forcing it on you and believe me, they will. You just need 3-6 people to play this slightly evil game and about 30 minutes of time.


How can anyone resist a little black cat like this!


Now, If you take a gander inside this little pandora’s box you will find one deck that is just filled with these naughty omens… 14 ladders ( Blue cards ), 14 broken mirrors ( Yellow cards ) and of course 14 cards with the vicious looking black cat ( Green cards ). You will also find Friday the 13th cards mixed in ( These are your wild ). It also came with rule cards instead of a rule book. (I didn’t like this very much. I would much rather have a little rule book that I don’t have to worry about getting shuffled into the game, but hey maybe thats just me. I doubt it though… I’m thinking it wasn’t thought out. =) )

When playing this wonderful little game you divide the deck among each player, sometimes it isn’t evenly but that’s okay. What’s a few more cards among friends ( If playing with three players, deal in a fourth ghost player and set those cards aside. They always end up with the best cards. )


Let get ready to TREEEMBBBLE!!!!

 You and your friends are going to play your bad luck in the three different bad luck piles. One card at a time. Now once the bad luck adds up to thirteen the player who plays a card over the 13 must take the whole pile and place it to the side for later!!!! Now this may seem bad but sometimes it works in your favor i’ll explain more when I get to scoring 🙂


You are going to continue playing cards, once one pile is taken you take the last card played to start the next pile, until everyone is out of cards. Then you take your piles and separate them to different bad omens. Once you have done that what you get to the fun part. Canceling the omen out…


If you have the most cards of one type of omen, you are the MASTER of that omen and it doesn’t affect you. You toss the cards away and they don’t count against you. You do this for each type of omen. Once you have done that you take a look at what’s left…


Most of the time it will look something like this… Now you count up your points, reshuffle and play again. You play 4 rounds! The one with the least points is the winner! Four rounds sounds a bit scary but don’t worry it actually plays very quickly.

Lets see a round

Now since it’s the holidays I thought it would be fun to play with a few other imaginary folks .. I’m playing with Santa, Rudolph and Myself.

Don’t worry Santa has this in the bag…. Haha, get it?! Hehe, I crack myself up!

We dealt out the cards and we are off … Rudolph is going to lead the way! …hehe, I just can’t help myself.


( Yes, you see my hand but it’s okay I figure you won’t tell the big guy. )

Rudy has started with a 7 of cats… hmmm My turn!


I see your seven and play a seven … of ladders!

Go, Go , Santa..


Interesting… that makes the ladders 12.. will they play a mirror a cat or the single ladder… Rudy, show us what you got.


I knew he was gonna do that. Okay so the next person to play a ladder will take that Pile.

My turn


I’m tossing in the first mirror.

Now we are gonna battle a bit between ourselves, i’ll bring it back when we take a pile….

…Doo, doo, do do. Do, do, do. Doo, Doo, Do…


And it’s Santa who takes the first pile!!! 


We leave the 2 and continue with the game.



This one is all on me… =(


Rudolph finally takes his very first pile. He is owning these little ladders!


Rudolph did it again and took the ladders.. Now this is a good play, he is guaranteeing he can toss these away later on.

Getting it ?! Such a good game. Okay now during this wonderfully bad game Santa did take us to town with a grand total of 11 points! I sadly lost … I think they used Santa magic but I’m going to let it slide… Hopefully he brings me something special for letting him cheat.. Hehe

I hope you all have enjoyed Friday the 13th with me. 


Thank you all for reading and as always, suggestions and comments are always welcome.

Have a game you want me to show? Let me know.

-WarBird signing off.

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