GenCon and more!!!

Hey everyone! So, there is a LOT to catch up on. As most of you know I was able to attend GenCon 2016, 20160804_161109to say that it was a wonderful experience just doesn’t cover the awesomness that is GenCon! The exhibit hall was booth upon booths filled with goodness. Each day you could feel the high energy and excitement of the people around you.20160804_123943 When you had someone talk to you about their game you could feel their passion and belief in the product. I didn’t bring enough baggage or money to buy it all… but, I tried.IMG645228463 I wanted to feel their passion about their games as much as they wanted me to. You will see if they did a good job when I start reviewing the games I was able to get. I went with a great group of friends ( new and old )FB_IMG_1470322733163 that knew my limitations and were able to guide me through the stress and excitement…and luckily for me, help lug my purchases back to the place we were staying. ( SIDE NOTE: Air B&B is the way to go! SOOO GOOD! )20160803_10261920160803_102605




I had very little will power when it came to purchasing of games. I usually went for a certain game and walked away with more than that game. Deals and promos … damn those thing, luckily I had a little bird that stayed with me and talked me out of bad deals when she could. I mostly stayed away from the bigger named games. ( except for a demo of Dark Souls… which I was sad to see was the same demo that they did online, sad panda )20160805_144453 I didn’t have the patience for the lines and I know that they will be on amazon or the LGS sooner or later and I can get them from there without the line stress, so I am sorry that I won’t have those to show you just yet. But the 30 games I was able to get should cover us for a bit.
Now one of the reasons I wished to attend Gencon was to further this blog and provide you guys with the best blog I could… Well, after talking to many a people and long discussions about how others believed I could make it better, I have decided to give a few different options a try. So first thing that happened was I got a sponsor! Yay!!! Some of you may have heard of the WGC if not you really should check them out. We have decided to team up and I have become their Board game Director and head a board game Facebook for them. In return they are going to assist me with games as well as help me start doing video. Yes, I said it… that evil killer of the written word. Video!!! ( Dum Dum Dummmm) But, I and my flock have thought it over and feel that it is probably a good step to take. If nothing else I can say I tried and it didn’t hurt anything. 20160808_150347FB_IMG_1470673665143

Did I say Flock?! Well yes, yes I did. Above is a picture of a few of them. So one of the other things I am working on is a group of friends and gamers of all levels and I am hoping to start a page called Thought of the Flock , which will be where they contribute their thoughts on either the game I am talking about or what they are currently playing.


( I love that this guy is taking a picture of the giants butt…hehe )

I hope you guys will stick with me while I explore these new outlets and give your fantastic feedback! Thank you again for reading. I hope you see me soon! 14012188_10205779773328313_1062265748_n
Thank you all for reading and as always, suggestions and comments are always welcome. Have a game you want me to show? Let me know.

-WarBird signing off.

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